What is still water? — Still vs. sparkling water for your workplace
Water is essential to any workplace. It can be used to hydrate, regulate body temperature, and prevent kidney damage. But, has your company considered the new trend in water — sparkling water? When compared to the negative health impacts of soda, or other fizzy drinks with sugar, it’s no surprise that sparkling water would win every time. But what will happen when sparkling water goes head to head with still water?
Read on to learn which drinking water source wins the battle of the breakroom.
What is still water?
Still water, simply put, is non-carbonated water. A few primary examples include ordinary tap water, spring water, natural mineral water, and most bottled water found in large containers. It’s essential to keep in mind that, while still water comes from nature, it’s only safe to drink from a trusted, tested, and filtered water source.
Still water vs. sparkling water — And the benefits they can provide
The benefits of still water:
1. Hydration
Drinking still water is the most beneficial fluid for staying hydrated. After exercising, sitting out on a hot day, or eating that last slice of pizza in the break room, our bodies crave rehydration. Drinking water is crucial to maintaining several functions of our bodies. Water helps carry nutrients to our cells, from our toes all the way up to our brains. Other fluids, such as soft drinks and sports drinks, contain sugar and sodium that can cause a reverse effect and actually dehydrate our cells! Because of this, still water is the safest and easiest way to hydrate our bodies.
2. Health
Aside from keeping our bodies hydrated, still water can provide valuable health benefits. Some of the other ways drinking still water can be beneficial to your health include:
- Carrying oxygen to all parts of the body.
- Protecting the brain, the spinal cord, and other extremely sensitive tissues.
- Boosting skin health.
- Regulating our internal body temperature.
- Flushing body waste.
- Helping maintain blood pressure.
- Helping the airways function.
- Preventing kidney damage.
The benefits of sparkling water:
1. Hydration
Some employees might grow tired of still water, especially when they aim to reach the daily recommended intake — approximately 4 to 6 cups, according to Harvard Health. Sparkling water is perfect to elevate your drinking water at work, and just like still water, sparkling water contains zero calories, zero sugars, and zero added ingredients. The only difference between still water and sparkling water is that sparkling water contains dissolved carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide, either naturally or artificially added, provides the carbonation in the sparkling water. Overall, because sparkling water is truly just bubbly still water, it shares the same benefits as still water.
2. Health
At this point, we all know that sparkling water is similar to still water, but does the difference in carbonation have a negative effect on your health? Luckily, the answer is no. Research shows that sparkling water is not only just as hydrating as still water but also has no negative effect on your bone density — a myth that was once believed to be true. On the flip side, it does have a positive impact on your health. The carbonation in the water will make you feel fuller, which can help curb those 3 o’clock cravings!
And the winner is…
Both still water and sparkling water deserve this win. While there is clear evidence supporting the benefits of both types of water, the bottom line is that the only differentiating factor between the 2 is carbonation. The decision inevitably comes down to which type of drinking water your workplace is more likely to consume and enjoy. But, for businesses that want the ability to mix it up and have both — we’ve got you covered.
Finding the dispenser that’s right for your business with Culligan Quench
At Culligan Quench, we have bottleless water coolers that offer still and sparkling water from one machine — so your employees, guests, and customers can enjoy the best of both worlds. Our filtered water coolers and sparkling water dispensers have hot, cold, and room temperature still water and sparkling water.
Ready to provide your workplace with great-tasting, purified water? Check out our Product Finder to view our products and pick the winner for your business! Or, get a free quote to get started.
Recommended products
Culligan Quench has an advanced suite of point-of-use systems that are designed to meet the needs of workplaces of all shapes and sizes. Here are some products we recommend for your business.
Q4 Touchless Bottleless Water Cooler
Available with quenchWATER+ electrolyte water

Q8 Touchless Bottleless Water Cooler
Available with quenchWATER+ electrolyte water

Q12 Touchless Bottleless Water Cooler
Available with quenchWATER+ electrolyte water