Promoting hydration in the workplace
While most people are aware that water is essential for our health and well-being, staying hydrated may not always be front of mind in a busy work environment. In fact, a Culligan Quench study on hydration in the workplace found that despite 72% of employees stating that good hydration at work was important, over a quarter of these individuals acknowledged that they only drink when they’re thirsty. For workplaces, this highlights the importance of elevating your water supply and encouraging employees to stay hydrated.
Download Quench’s Hydration in the Workplace Report
With an understanding that the use of water facilities in an organization can affect the environment as well as the health, happiness, and productivity of employees, we’re taking a closer look at water intake at work and how a bottleless water cooler can promote greater workplace hydration long-term.
Taking a closer look at hydration across workplaces today
With Forbes reporting that 75% of Americans are dehydrated, what are workplaces doing today to promote and support water intake? Luckily, there are a variety of drinking water solutions that organizations can consider implementing to combat dehydration and its repercussions. But, it’s important to note that the facilities provided within workplaces ultimately make a difference in whether employees are staying properly hydrated.
For example, Culligan Quench’s Hydration in the Workplace report found that 60% of respondents have access to a standard sink tap – the highest of all drinking water facilities asked about within the survey — however, only 60% of those with a sink tap at work use it. This research further indicated that employees would double their daily water intake if they had instant access to free, cold filtered water. Without a water dispenser, 66% of people turn to single-use plastics, which has detrimental ramifications on the environment.
Based on how much the facility is used by the people with access to it, the top 3 drinking water facilities include:
- Plastic refill bottled water coolers (84%)
- Bottleless water dispensers (78%)
- Single-use plastic bottled water (71%)
The relationship between hydration and productivity
Our bodies are made up of 55-60% water, according to the United States Geological Survey, and we can’t survive without constantly maintaining these levels. The impact of dehydration on the human body is well documented and evidence shows that severe dehydration can cause cognitive deficits such as short-term memory and visual perceptual abilities. It can also result in mood disturbance, per a study from Cambridge. On the other hand, water consumption can improve cognitive performance, notably visual attention and mood. In a business context, hydration has a powerful effect on employee productivity and health. In fact, research from Culligan Quench found that 96% of respondents claim that being hydrated positively affects their concentration and productivity.
The substantial effect that proper hydration can have on workplace productivity has emphasized the importance of ensuring workers are drinking enough water every day. With this in mind, organizations are not only working to improve their drinking water solutions, but also to educate employees on the value of hydration and the benefits to their well-being, health, and concentration. Thus, encouraging greater usage of the water facilities available.
Introducing a bottleless water cooler at work
For organizations in pursuit of an elevated water supply, it can be difficult to determine what drinking water solution will drive water intake most effectively. We’re taking a closer look at a few key factors for unique drinking water solutions to help make your decision easier.
When it comes to workplaces relying on tap water sources:
- 35% of employees said that they don’t use it because it has a bad taste
- 26% of workers claimed that they don’t trust where the water comes from
As a result, businesses have turned to hefty water bottle solutions over the years, assuming this was the most convenient and cost-effective solution for offering water to their employees, guests, and customers. However, refill bottles require storage space and must be continually re-ordered and lifted into place (which can pose a significant risk to your workplace safety). Moreover, bottled water coolers and single-use plastic bottles have considerable environmental repercussions.
To eliminate the difficulties associated with tap water and bottled water sources while encouraging greater water intake, workplaces are increasingly introducing bottleless water dispensers. In contrast to tap water, Culligan Quench research indicates only 11% of people with access to a water dispenser said that they don’t trust the source. This suggests not only that the taste of filtered water is preferable to tap water, but also that it inspires more trust among employees.
What’s more, 85% of respondents claimed that free, instant access to filtered cold and hot dispensed water would make them drink more water at work, and data indicates that it’s the best option for keeping employees hydrated. And, with 72% of respondents stating that their employer could do more to reduce single-use plastic waste, water dispensers are a popular option that’s more sustainable and convenient. In fact, 18.9 billion single-use plastic bottles could be saved every year if organizations provided an endless supply of filtered water at work.
Overall, installing a point-of-use water dispenser is an effective option to significantly reduce plastic waste and increase access to high-quality water with minimal disruption to your workspace. Dispensers deliver an unlimited flow of filtered water and they’re available in a range of sizes and water options to suit your unique business needs.
Support proper hydration in the workplace with help from Culligan Quench
A third of employees see hydration at work as a combined responsibility between themselves and their employer. For businesses, providing ample, quality water solutions is increasingly essential and a bottleless water cooler from Culligan Quench can do just that.
The corresponding improvement in hydration — and, consequently, concentration and productivity — could have a notable impact on your bottom line. And, with almost 3 quarters of employees claiming that it would increase their well-being, users will be healthier, too.
With drinking water solutions from Culligan Quench, you can help your employees consume water more efficiently, reduce single-use plastic waste, and promote healthier habits for a more productive workforce.
Ready to promote hydration with an elevated workplace water supply? Try our product finder to discover the machine that’s best suited for your organization’s water needs, or get a free quote to get started.
Recommended products
Culligan Quench has an advanced suite of bottleless water cooler models that are designed to meet the needs of hotels of all shapes and sizes. Bottleless water coolers can be placed throughout your property for staff and guest filling.
Q8 Touchless Bottleless Water Cooler
Available with quenchWATER+ electrolyte water

Q10 Bottleless Water Cooler With Sparkling Water
Includes Firewall® UV Protection

Q12 Touchless Bottleless Water Cooler
Available with quenchWATER+ electrolyte water