Bottleless water cooler buyer’s guide: A 3-4-5 playbook
Deciding which bottleless water cooler to buy can be difficult, especially when there are countless options of water and ice types, machine styles, and capacity. This document will help you determine which kind of bottleless water cooler makes sense for your business. It outlines the three common challenges in drinking water, four benefits of bottleless water coolers, and five questions to ask when buying a bottleless water cooler.
3 challenges in drinking water
1. Taste
Tap water comes in many flavors due to the complexity of our water systems. Undesirable flavors include earthy, sulfuric, chlorine, and metallic. These flavors may originate from algae, disinfectants, and minerals, but for the most part, are not generally dangerous to your health.
2. Cleanliness
Water cleanliness has become extremely concerning over the last few years due to the increase in industrial dumping, pesticide pollution, oil runoff, and pharmaceutical waste. Dangerous substances include arsenic, nitrates and infectious agents, and lead. These elements don’t have a strong flavor but can cause serious health issues.
3. Eco-Friendly
As consumers become more concerned with water taste and cleanliness, more are turning to bottled water – but that also comes with its challenges. The production and transportation of bottled water creates pollution, as well as the plastic bottle that gets left behind.
4 benefits of bottleless water coolers
1. Drink clean
Advanced filtration and purification technologies that remove sediment, reduce chemical contaminants, and get rid of off-tastes and odors.
2. Save money
By filtering water at the point-of-use, you skip the costs of bottling, packaging, and shipping water. Over 90% of bottled water’s cost is not the water, but the price of packaging and shipping it. These costs, along with the price of trucks, drivers, and fuel for delivering the water jugs, are passed on to you.
3. Save time
Keeping inventory, ordering, and restocking water bottles and/or 5-gallon water jugs takes time. Eliminate the hassle by getting a bottleless water cooler that filters your water right at the source, so you’ll never have to order bottled water again.
4. Save the environment
A bottleless water cooler replaces the need for plastic bottles and 5-gallon water jugs and all the associated production and transportation pollution. Plus, bottleless water coolers save the plastic from ending up in landfills and waterways.
5 questions to ask when buying a bottleless water cooler
1. Water type
What type of water do your employees, customers, and patients want? What do they need? Is it still or sparking, hot or cold, flavored or unflavored?
2. Ice type
Do your employees, customers, and patients want ice? Do they need it? What type do they want – full cube, half cube, crescent, bullet, nugget, flakes, gourmet, etc.?
3. Capacity
How many people will use the bottleless water cooler? How often will they use it?
4. Location
Where should you put the bottleless water cooler? Does it make sense for the layout of the office? Will it fit? Will it get used there?
5. Machine style
Do you want a free standing or countertop machine?
Over twenty years of industry experience and state-of-the-art filtration technologies make Culligan Quench the authority in bottleless water cooler solutions tailored for your business. By offering filtered water coolers, ice machines, and sparkling water dispensers, Culligan Quench is sure to have a sustainable drinking water solution that is right for you – no matter your industry: government, education, medical, manufacturing, retail, hospitality, and thousands of small businesses.
To learn more about Culligan Quench’s product offering and to see which bottleless water cooler is right for you, please click here to go to the product finder.
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Culligan Quench has an advanced suite of bottleless water cooler models that are designed to meet the needs of hotels of all shapes and sizes. Bottleless water coolers can be placed throughout your property for staff and guest filling.
Q8 Touchless Bottleless Water Cooler
Available with quenchWATER+ electrolyte water

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